Skibbereen & District Historical Society will host a Talk on Thursday, 30thJanuary in the West Cork Hotel @ 8.30 pm. entitled“The Land War in Ballydehob & Anna Parnell’s visit”This talk, by Eugene McSweeney, will deal with the story of agrarian
The late Sean Cahalane, Gorteenalomane, Skibbereen
The death took place on 7 January 2020 of Sean Cahalane at his home at Gorteenlomane, Skibbereen. Sean, who had been ill for only a few weeks, died, we believe, as he would have wished, at his home, surrounded by
John Carmody, Skibbereen: A Tribute
The death took place on Friday 13 December 2019 of John Carmody of Gortnaclohy, Skibbereen. John, who had been ill for some time, died at his home in the loving care of his family; his wife Margaret, children Brian, Treena,
The O’Connell Monster Meeting, Skibbereen, June 1843
“Skibbereen & District Historical Society will host a Talk on Thursday, 5th December , in the West Cork Hotel @ 8.30 pm. entitled “The O’Connell Monster Meeting, Skibbereen, 1843″. In June 1843, Skibbereen hosted one in a series of Monster
70th Anniversary of Edith Somerville’s death.
Thursday, Oct. 31st, in the West Cork Hotel @ 8.30 pm. To mark the 70th anniversary of the death of novelist Edith Somerville the presentation will be given by Tom Somerville, the current incumbent of Drishane House, Castletownshend, once the